Five Qs With – Photography Course tutor, Ronnie Baxter

We’re pleased to welcome Edinburgh College’s Ronnie Baxter back as tutor of this year’s Photography course, as he was also the first ever tutor of that course when it launched. Here’s a little more about him…

Tell us a little about you?
I was a working photographer for about 25 years before beginning as a Photography lecturer at Edinburgh College nine years ago.

You were the first tutor of the Photography course. How was that?
My first experience working with Access to Industry delivering the course was fun. I met some good people and we all learnt from each other.

How has the course changed?
The course hasn’t really changed that much since I was involved. We look at photographs; talk about photographs; and plan how and where to take photographs. We then take some photographs to help us learn some more.

What are your hopes for this new intake of students?
I hope that they enjoy the course and learn something about the creative industries. And, hopefully, they will then continue enjoying photography in the future.

What do you like about working with Access to Industry?
Working with any group is always rewarding. But with plans for hopefully an exhibition at the end of this course, it’s always great to see students proudly show their work to their family, friends, and colleagues.

Find out more about our Photography course here.

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